Author: Cynthia

Omega-3 Supplementation For Liver Health

Doesn’t fat make you… fat? Happy answer, not if you consume the right fats.    From the author: I originally wrote this piece last year when I was just fresh in the nutrition program, and I was very passionate about this subject. Fast forward over a year, I now...

Savoury Vitamin C Bomb: Mom’s Chinese Grilled Stuffed Peppers

The type of food that tastes SO GOOD  and flavourful, that you won’t believe it’s actually  — this is it.  You can’t beat mom’s recipes. It’s just not possible. While I love investigating all types of cuisines, my mom’s cooking stayed traditionally Chinese. This dish is a stable in...

Top 20 Foods Rich in Vitamin C

You should try to, and very likely could, get your vitamin C directly from foods.   Good news everyone (now if you watched Futurama, please say the words in your head in Dr. Farnsworth’s voice)! Vitamin C is present in large quantities in A LOT of fruits and veggies....

Vitamin C Booster, Happy Hour Edition: Guava Mojitarita

For a drink in the vitamin C series, you might think I’d go with a classic Bloody Mary — and I really coulda. But (IMO) what’s better for a (finally in Canada!) hot summer weekend than a refreshing Mojito? Mojitarita it is! My all time favourite liquor combined with...

Vitamin C: helper of our immunity? Part 1: all about the immune system

Short answer: it is absolutely necessary, but it won’t be your expected “immune booster”. During this strange time of a pandemic, one simple, highly accessible, yet seemingly so powerful nutraceutical substance had been proposed as a treatment in the battle against COVID-19: vitamin C.  Currently, many ongoing trials are...

Welcome to our blog!

When it comes to finding out about the nutritional values of what I’m consuming, and perhaps while also trying to build a healthy game plan for my daily eats, I’m certainly not alone in thinking this: “sooo… out of tons of information out there on what and how I...